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Investor Alert: Is the Trump Agenda in Peril?


Is the Trump agenda in peril? It’s a question investors should consider ahead of the mid-term elections.

Up to now, the Trump economic agenda has certainly been great for Wall Street and much of the broader economy. The Dow Jones Industrials continues to defy all naysayers – notching yet another new record high in the first week of October before correcting.

Meanwhile, the latest GDP numbers show the economy growing at its fastest pace in over a decade, with official unemployment at generational lows.

The Trump economy is booming. But so is government spending under the president’s watch. As a consequence, budget deficits are rising toward the $1 trillion level. Rising debt servicing costs over time threaten to eat into and reverse the gains created by tax cuts and deregulation.

That’s not the only threat to the Trump agenda. Democrats, the deep state, and even high-level members of his own administration (if you believe New York Times reports) are part of a “resistance” movement working to thwart President Donald Trump’s policies and priorities.

Trump Faces a Shadow Government Focused on Sabotage

Investigative journalist James O’Keefe recently published undercover recordings of federal government bureaucrats admitting to engaging in subversive political activities on taxpayer time. Many are members of the Democratic Socialists of America, a radical leftist group that has formed a shadow government within the government.

The Washington, D.C. swamp hates the Trump agenda – no surprise since candidate Trump vowed to “drain the swamp.”

Unfortunately, most members of Congress are themselves swamp creatures. Every budget proposal the White House has submitted to Congress containing billions in spending cuts has been met with immediate resistance from both Democrats and establishment Republicans.


Continue reading: https://goo.gl/hh2f2X


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