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Help with Year-End Retirement Account Planning

Year end is drawing closer and investors are thinking about their retirement accounts. Many of them are looking at nice gains in their stock portfolios and wondering if the extraordinary run in equities can continue.

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The bull market is getting long in the tooth, but next year is an election year… and that can be good for stocks. But if one of the avowed socialists currently competing in the Democratic primaries should manage to become president, it could be bad news for stocks.

Those who want to diversify and pull some chips off the table should take a look at a self-directed IRA. This type of retirement account allows you to switch some or all of your conventional paper assets for tangible assets such as gold, silver, and real estate.

Precious metals IRAs represent true diversification. Brokers and financial planners often talk about putting together a good mix of investment assets, but they generally recommend a portfolio stuffed with nothing but Wall Street securities.

Conventional advisors focus almost exclusively on stocks, bonds, and mutual funds -- the types of investments that could suffer badly during the next financial crisis.


Full article: https://bit.ly/35EDEul

Views: 32 | Added by: moneymetals | Tags: Investing, Finances, investor, gold bullion, financial market, commodities trading, investment ideas, Investment, Retirement planning, commodities market, precious metals investing, silver, silver bullion, commodities, economy, Invest, precious metals, gold, retirement | Rating: 0.0/0
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