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Home » 2019 » November » 22

Since the Federal Reserve detached the dollar from the gold standard in 1971, the world's central bankers – with the Fed leading the charge, have flooded the world with fiat currency to the point of diminishing its purchasing power to shadow status.

A common belief during the early decades of the former Soviet Union's rise after 1917 was that, according to Marxist-Leninist theory, the West and capitalism would either self-destruct, or be "buried" by the superior economic platform being constructed for the proletariat by the USSR, and later Communist China.

But even the Great Depression, which in the West lasted from the Crash of 1929, and arguably into WWII, failed to do the trick.

Much later, in a case of great historical irony, the West received a Christmas present of sorts, when on December 26, 1991 the Supreme Soviet voted itself and the USSR out of existence!

However, to say that the world is moving into uncharted waters a ... Read more »

Views: 38 | Added by: moneymetals | Date: 19/11/22