[Money Metals ]
Home » 2020 » January » 06

Gold and silver investors buy metals because they are scarce. Precious metals are by nature difficult to find, and hard to produce. Consequently, above ground stocks are limited and valuable, particularly when priced in unlimited fiat currencies.

The bankers and government officials behind these fiat currency systems don’t like stable monetary benchmarks such as gold putting their inflation schemes on full display. They absolutely hate that gold works as a refuge.

Inflation is a stealth tax. Instead of overtly raising taxes, politicians simply borrow and print the money needed for more government. They just need people not to notice.

Which brings us to the futures markets for gold and silver. They are the solution to the difficult scarcity problem that metals pose for bankers and bureaucrats. The futures markets are the primary tool for managing prices and disco ... Read more »

Views: 35 | Added by: moneymetals | Date: 20/01/06