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Home » 2019 » May » 17

Well now, without further delay, let’s get right to this week’s exclusive interview.

Axel Merk

Mike Gleason: It is my privilege, now, to welcome in Axel Merk, president and, chief investment officer at Merk Investments and, author of the book Sustainable Wealth. Axel is a well-known market commentator and, money manager and, is a highly sought-after guest at financial conferences and, on news outlets throughout the world and, it's great to have him back on with us.

Axel, it's always a pleasure and, thanks for joining us again.

Axel Merk: Thanks for the kind introduction.

Mike Gleason: Well, Axel, we'd like to get your thoughts on the recent escalation in our trade war si ... Read more »

Views: 32 | Added by: moneymetals | Date: 19/05/17