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Home » 2019 » April » 01

Well now, for more on the manipulative workings of the central banks and much more, let’s get right to this week’s exclusive interview.

Chris Powell

Mike Gleason: It is my privilege now to welcome in Chris Powell, Secretary-Treasurer at the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, also known as GATA. Chris is a long time journalist and a hard money advocate and through his tireless efforts at GATA he is working to expose the manipulation of the gold and silver markets. Through GATA's work over the years some important revelations have come to light, which quite honestly should concern everyone.

It's great to have him back with us. Chris, good to have you on again and how are you?

Chris Powell: Oh, very good, Mike. Glad to be here.

Mike Gleason: Well, ... Read more »

Views: 50 | Added by: moneymetals | Date: 19/04/01