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What Would Impeaching Trump Mean for Precious Metals?

​Robert Mueller appeared to be spinning his wheels for the last year and a half. But recent prosecutions of prominent Trump campaign figures now have Democrats giddy over the possibility of being handed grounds for impeachment.

Tasked with investigating whether or not Donald Trump and people working for him colluded with the Russians during the presidential campaign, the special counsel finally got some traction last week.

Metals investors are wondering if political turmoil ratcheting several notches higher might have ramifications for gold and silver prices.

Looking At Impeachment

The chances for impeachment did get a boost, although it would seem to hinge primarily on whether the Republicans lose the House and Senate in November.

Suddenly a number of people in Trump’s orbit have either fallen to prosecution or appear eager to cooperate with the investigation against him.

Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, was convicted of financial fraud and tax evasion early last week.

One of the president’s former attorneys, Michael Cohen, pled guilty to charges related to paying off two women who claimed to have had affairs with Trump.




Full Article Here: ​https://goo.gl/TeZMGf


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