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The Gold and Silver Uber-Bull Run Is Upon Us

GLD (SPDR Gold Shares NYSE) is the world's largest gold-centric Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). On Friday June 21, 2019 – one day after The Gold and Silver Volcano is Ready to Erupt was posted on this site – a record single day's inflow (gold buying) of over $1.5 billion took place.

This stampede, led by hedge funds and "algos" (automated computer buy/sell programs based upon volume flows and trigger price points) involved dollar amounts substantially eclipsing the record set during the 2008 global panic.

The price of gold rose to a 6-year high, left a series of gaps on the way up, and smashed through all sorts of technical "resistance" points on traders' charts around the globe.

At the same timesilver – almost unnoticed because its rise was relatively muted – broke out on the strongest volume since 2011, printing its second highest Up Volume ever!

Gold Shares (Chart) - June 28, 2019

So what is going on? When a major market movement like we witnessed in late June takes place, everybody looks for an answer. And everyone has an opinion.

But the only opinion which really matters – that of the Market – usually takes a while to reveal itself. David Morgan with a track record in resource sector prognostication as good as any in the business, never fails to remind his readers who the real guru is: Mr. Market him/herself. David wrote,

I certainly have my opinions, based upon decades of trading, research, and experience. But no matter how strongly I feel about a given situation, I never hesitate to step back and see if price action supports what I think is taking place.

Whether you're an individual investor, a giant brokerage firm, even a sovereign wealth fund, or a central bank, it helps to keep in mind the fact that - sooner or later - the market always has the final say.


Continue reading: https://t.co/yx4SJIpjLj

Views: 59 | Added by: moneymetals | Tags: Finances, gold bullion, investor, economy, Banker, central bank, Finance, silver bullion, financial market, bullion, Investing, Invest, Investment, commodities, commodities trading, banking, commodities market, gold, silver, Money | Rating: 0.0/0
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