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12:46 PM
Republican Congress Prepares to Betray Trump Voters Once Again

The single-digit approval rating of Congress means precious few people still expect much from the politicians running Washington DC.


Expectations should now ratchet even lower as representatives once again demonstrate just how far their words are from their deeds.

We’ll start with healthcare. The U.S. Senate failed in yet another effort to repeal and replace Obamacare. The prospects for reform any time soon are approaching zero.

Voters opposed to the skyrocketing premiums, the ballooning federal expenditures and the huge expansion in government control associated with the Affordable Care Act are bewildered.

The program is an obvious train wreck. Republicans in Congress spent years telling everyone willing to listen that repeal was a top priority. Donald Trump was elected, in part, because of his promise to kill Obamacare.

Based on the rhetoric, Obamacare should have been dead a month after Trump took office. Now it looks like President Trump may throw in the towel and simply let the program collapse under its own weight.

"I think we're probably in that position where we'll let Obamacare fail. We're not going to own it. I'm not going to own it. I can tell you, the Republicans are not going to own it,” he said.

We can’t agree with that last bit. Republicans are definitely responsible for their broken promises to voters. It certainly isn’t the first time limited government advocates have been betrayed by Republican leadership.

Views: 48 | Added by: moneymetals | Tags: Government, politics, reform act, congress, Obamacare, health insurance, Trump, president, Healthcare, republicans | Rating: 0.0/0
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