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Home » 2017 » December » 18 » Money Metals Exchange Is Also Your Crypto/Metals HQ
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Money Metals Exchange Is Also Your Crypto/Metals HQ

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Money Metals Exchange began accepting Bitcoin payments for gold and silver bullion nearly 3 years ago, putting us among the very first in our industry to do so.

Today, we are announcing expanded services – both when buying and selling precious metals – using several crypto-currencies.

We believe honest money is core to liberating people and protecting their savings. History is clear as to how the game of unrestrained government borrowing, printing, and spending will end. The holders of the world’s fiat currencies will wind up holding the bag.


There can be no doubt that tangible, off-the-grid, gold and silver – which feature zero counterparty risk – will have a key role to play in the future, just as they have in the past. It may well be that crypto-currencies will also have a role to play.

Crypto-currencies provide a method of sending payments anywhere in the world, without permission and with little cost. It is possible to do so securely and privately, without relying upon bankers as middlemen.

If Bitcoin, or one or more of the alternatives, can solve scaling problems, it could be a revolution in which individuals and liberty are the victors.

Our clients have long been able to make payment for metals using Bitcoin at MoneyMetals.com, as noted above. But that is just the start. Very soon we will be able to accept online payments in Bitcoin Cash and other major crypto-currencies.

But we can already do a much larger variety of crypto-currency transactions with clients who call us rather than order online.


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