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Metals Flirt with Breakout; New Electronic Money Crackdowns

Well now, without further delay, let’s get right to this week’s exclusive interview.

Guy Christopher

Mike Gleason: It is my privilege to bring in Guy Christopher now, one of our featured columnists on our MoneyMetals.com website. Guy is an investigative journalist and published author, but he's also a former stock broker and veteran of the 101st Airborne serving in the Vietnam War. All of this real world experience combined with his communication skills has helped provide our readers and customers with some really great insights. Since joining our team he's written some hard-hitting columns, even one or two that might have challenged you a bit. Guy, welcome. It's great to have you on with us today.

Guy Christopher: Mike, thank you for having me. It's very kind of you.

Mike Gleason: I want to talk to you about two of your recent articles in particular, the first one titled, "You and I Have No Right to Be Scared." In that piece, you give an illustration of just how bad things have been getting and how incredibly important it is to own precious metals given the current landscape; but even with all the events of the last 10 or 15 years, it can still be hard for people to overcome that first psychological hurdle.

I want to read an excerpt from your article and then get your comments. You wrote,

"Buying precious metals for the first time is a big move; I know. Now you worry if that's the right decision, that perhaps you don't yet know enough about precious metals. You've heard they make awful investments, while the Dow is hitting all-time highs. When the time comes to convert some cash into gold and silver, once again, you get scared. Except this time, you have no right to be scared. None at all. Neither do I."

Explain your thinking there.

Guy Christopher: I guess psychologically it might have to do with being inside of a crowd, it's easy to do things when the crowd is going along with you. My feeling when I was first buying gold and silver, which was about 10 years ago, I was all alone and I felt all alone and I couldn't go to friends and say, "Oh, look what I paid $800 for or $600 for." When I did, once or twice, I got strange looks and like, "Whoa! What are you wasting your money on that for?" So I had to rely on my own instincts that I was doing the right thing. There wasn't a big crowd of folks standing there with me and there wasn't a crowd of folks or a line of folks behind me if I decided I made a mistake and needed to turn around and sell it; there was nobody to sell it to.

That was the emphasis for writing that story. I felt that it was important to let folks know that when they have those feelings, they aren't alone today. The folks who had a right to be scared were the folks who were buying the stuff 10 to 15 years ago when there was no one else standing in the line.

Mike Gleason: Certainly, the world has changed a tremendous amount since then and we've got governments that are just spending money like nobody's business here and the dollars continue to get devalued. Precious metals are just an extremely important part of a person's personal financial strategy, is it not? That's certainly one of the main reasons I think you're in the camp that they were in here…you've got so many reasons out there to own it. Like you said, there's no reason to be scared, given everything that we've got, it's a scary proposition to not own any precious metals, right?

Guy Christopher: Well that’s right. The world was not as scary 15 years ago as it is today. Fifteen years ago we didn't know of all the horrors and manipulations that we are going through today. The government, the political structure, trillions and trillions of dollars in debt that we didn't have to deal with back then, but there were indications and it was those indications that helped those folks who bought gold and silver early on. It was their instincts that the indications were pointing to bad things coming and then guess what; bad things did come.

Today, we have every piece of knowledge in front of us that says hey, you have everything you need to make a decision right now. You know what direction the country seems to be headed in, you know what societal changes are being made and you also know that the US dollar is a lot weaker because it's been printed into an infinity, that the US dollar is so much weaker now that history and mathematics tells us the dollar is not going to survive.

Once you have all that information in front of you, you should have a pretty good basis for making an informed decision as to what to do with your money.

Mike Gleason: How did you come up with the idea through this column? Was it based on a real experience you had, perhaps or what was the driving force?


Read/Listen to the full podcast here. (original source)

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