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11:32 AM
How Much Gold and Silver Should a Prepper Have?

There are a few common misconceptions associated with precious metals and how they may not be helpful to a preparedness plan for either a SHTF scenario or potential economic collapse.

1. If I can't eat it, drink it, or use it to defend myself, I don't need it.

2. I'll just get stuck buying some worthless coins and never get anything out of them.

Although these are some generally popular perspectives, they are completely misguided and incorrect.

So how can precious metals be useful for survivalists when the economy collapses?

The truth is, precious metals are essential for survivalists and will help you stay prepared for all sorts of upcoming turmoil.

Below, you’ll find rebuttals to the common misconceptions about gold and silver and how they can literally save your life when the SHTF…

1. "If I can't eat it, drink it, or use it to defend myself, I don't need it."

Precious metals have been used as a stable store of value and a medium of exchange for thousands of years. Although you cannot actually eat, drink or use it to defend yourself you can use it in barter or trade to get any potential needed items.

For example, if you are trying to trade with a neighbor for ammunition and you only have water, food, ammunition and first aid, chances are, he/she has those exact items also. You need to pay with something that can be used as a medium of exchange so that your neighbor can buy whatever he/she may need from someone else.

You won't always know what people may need in a barter or trade situation. That's why having a form of currency is essential!


Continue reading: https://goo.gl/LnLtC5

Views: 37 | Added by: moneymetals | Tags: commodities market, metals, precious metals, Investment, Investing, commodities, Money, survival, prepping, Invest, commodities trading, gold, silver, Survivalist, investor | Rating: 0.0/0
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