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12:19 PM
Getting on Board the Silver Express!

Over the last half year or so, a number of analysts, well-heeled individuals, and mega-hedge fund managers have been taking a shine to silver. So far the "restless metal" hasn't been letting on that it's noticed.

It's understandable why someone who either has not yet begun to commit funds to building a physical silver position – or who has not completed his or her ownership program – might think it best to wait and see if the price starts rising, thus validating the silver bulls' call. But this kind of strategy could end up being a big financial mistake on several counts.

And worse yet, Mr. Market could decide to whisk away today's prices – and the relative availability of investment grade silver – to the point that you'll never even take a position at all.

To get a sense of how you might feel as you watch, and watch, and watch while silver makes its long overdue, third, and almost certainly largest levitation toward the ultimate high since the start of its rise in 2001, please examine the palladium chart below.

Palladium Chart Mar '20

10 Year Monthly Palladium (Courtesy barcharts.com)

After spending 5 years in a $300 price range, palladium decided in December 2016 to put in a long-term bottom around the time that gold and silver were doing something similar.

Then, again like gold and silver at the time, it rallied, moving to a several years' high around $850... but kept on going. Gold and silver faded away for the next 18 months, putting in a double bottom in late 2018.

By the way, during this entire time, David Morgan, provided guidance for his subscribers – be they holders of The Morgan Report Premium, Mastermind, or Insiders' Memberships – in how to profitably trade these multiple hundred-dollar swings via futures, options, stocks, or physical palladium rounds and bullion itself.

Given David Morgan’s expertise in these areas, look to him being able to effectively help current and new subscribers alike do the same thing with the coming explosive upside run in silver and gold.


Continue reading: https://t.co/kt1Mr3SMFM

Views: 72 | Added by: moneymetals | Tags: buy silver, silver coins, commodities trading, commodities, metals market, silver, precious metals, precious metal investing, silver bullion, commodities market, economy | Rating: 0.0/0
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