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9:03 AM
Debt, Dollars, Dow, War, Silver and Shirts

Yes, they are connected.

Dollars are created as debt. More dollars in circulation = more debt. More debt means consumption is “pulled forward” from the future so consumption can occur now. This usually ends badly.

Commercial banks and central banks have created trillions of new dollars. Each new dollar devalues every other dollar currently in circulation, in savings, and in pension accounts. Prices rise!

Wars are costly, kill people and produce little. Governments like wars because they create demand for production of war materials. More production means a higher GDP (even if the concept means little). Politicians point to higher GDP and claim it is good. More production creates employment. Everyone wins, unless the bomb fell on you. Unless the drone targeted you. Unless you live on a fixed income and prices continue to rise. Unless you are a soldier and were injured or killed.

As dollars are devalued, prices rise for most goods and services. Yes, televisions are less expensive, but have you checked the price of beer, medical care, cigarettes, cars, Whisky, college tuition, food, and 101 other items we need?

As dollars are devalued, the price of silver rises. Each dollar buys a smaller piece of silver. Wars burn many dollars, many ounces of silver, and consume other commodities, which rise in price. Demand for silver increases, dollars buy less, and supply increases slowly, if at all. Prices for silver rise because of supply, demand, and devaluation.

The DOW is higher because each dollar buys less. Central bank “printing” of many extra dollars supports the DOW. Wall Street hype helps also. Regardless of the hype, a good crash occurs every decade or so, and after the crash the stock market rises again. Most people buy high, watch it crash, and sell low. How many people will take profits near the top in this market? BUY SILVER!

As prices rise, shirts cost more.

Debt, dollars, DOW, war, silver, and shirts are connected. They rise and will continue to rise, two steps higher and one lower, as long as we use debt based fiat dollars. 

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