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10:42 AM
Debt, Division, Dysfunction, and the March to National Bankruptcy

Never in our lifetimes has American politics been so marked by division and dysfunction.

The longest partial government shutdown in history occurred after the Democrat-controlled Congress wouldn’t compromise with President Trump on a border wall. The impasse is but one symptom of a deeper malady – one that threatens to wreak wider social and financial instability in the years ahead.

Put plainly, the pillars of the American system as we have known it are eroding.

No longer are we unified in support of the Constitution and a (more or less) free market economy. A growing faction within one party favors socialism and outright rejects foundational American principles such as free speech, gun rights, and limited government.

No longer are political solutions even possible for insoluble problems such as the $22 trillion national debt and the tens of trillions of dollars more in unfunded liabilities. The U.S. debt to GDP ratio now – when times are supposedly good – comes in at the highest non-wartime level in history.

Investors who have no stake in sound money (gold and silver), and who are instead banking entirely on conventional financial assets such as stocks and bonds, are making some dangerous assumptions.

They are assuming the government will be able to keep its promises, that the Federal Reserve will step in to prevent any financial crisis, that the U.S. dollar will remain globally trusted, that American capitalism will remain resilient in the face of growing political risk.

Avowed Socialists Ascend within Democrat Ranks

The reality is that the American economy is potentially only one election away from being taken over by socialists. That’s not hyperbole. At the base of the Democrat Party today are radicals that support Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – open socialists.

According to a recent Gallup poll, more Democrats than ever – a majority – say they consider themselves to be “liberal.”


As recently as 12 years ago, more Democrats fashioned themselves as “moderate” than “liberal.” The moderate Democrat is a dying breed.

Consider the positions espoused by newly elected Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez.

She wants taxpayers to spend $40 trillion on expanding Medicare and making college tuition “free.” She wants to hike the top tax rate to 70%. She wants to ban the use of fossil fuels which run our economy.


Continue reading: https://goo.gl/JEZTVe

Views: 49 | Added by: moneymetals | Tags: Money, Socialism, politicians, commodities market, political parties, Government, investor, gold, precious metals, Invest, commodities, silver, Investing, Investment, commodities trading, metals, politics | Rating: 0.0/0
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