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Central Banks Now Buying Gold Like Crazy

Well now, for more on how the mainstream media is seldom giving you the full story, plus much more, let’s get right to this week’s exclusive interview.

Gerald Celente

Mike Gleason: It is my privilege now to welcome in Gerald Celente, publisher of the renowned Trends Journal. Mr. Celente is perhaps most well-known trends forecaster in the world and it's always a joy to speak with him.

Mr. Celente, thanks for the time again today and welcome back.

Gerald Celente: Oh, thanks for having me on, Mike.

Mike Gleason: Well, Gerald, the Trends Journal is forecasting Economic 9/11 as one of the big trends for 2019. There are plenty of indicators which just support your thesis for a major slowdown. Debt levels – both public and private – have exploded, China is slowing down and all the stimulus in Europe has failed to generate results there. Higher interest rates are hurting, everything from real estate to auto sales, et cetera. But none of this is reflected in the stock markets, which are roaring higher. Once again, it looks like the Fed is up to its old tricks, promising to stop the rate hikes they had planned and end the program for selling bonds. The constant intervention of the Fed has always been one of the major wildcards when trying to predict where things are headed in recent years. What do you think? Can the central bankers kick the can one more time to avoid a recession, or are they finally going to lose control in the months ahead?

Gerald Celente: Well, I think you've summed everything up pretty well in analyzing it, and the general situation. When we made that forecast of an Economic 9/11, remember how trends for the new year go out in December. In December, we just saw the Dow have its worst month since the Great Depression, and all of a sudden on January 4th, 2019 it all turned around. What happened was the Federal Reserve Chairman bent over to Trump, and he backtracked on his aggressive stance of 2018, where they raised interest rates four times and they were scheduled to raise them three to four more times in 2019. He said he would be patient. In late January, they said it again that they would be patient. They were in no hurry raising interest rates. That changed our forecast, because what they've done is they've injected more monetary methadone into the bull to keep it running. You can see what was happening when they were going to pull the needle out.

The bull was dying, it was OD’ing already, and now they just got it going once again. And you mentioned wildcard, and that's exactly why nobody could predict the future. There are too many wildcards, whether they're man made, or made by Mother Nature. Well, of course now I have to be proper and politically correct, whether women-made or made by father nature. What happened was they played the wildcard, and the fact is whether it was fear of a fed audit, or just pressure from Trump, we listed all the times he called the Fed loco and crazy, and how disgusted he was with them throughout 2018, beginning in July, until they did a backtrack. So, now what we're looking at, Mike, it's the presidential reality show’s already heating up and Trump is going to do everything he can to keep the economy pumping along, or I should say Trumping along.

Remember, the cat’s in the real estate business. To his son in law, the family, the Cushners. It's real estate. You mentioned about real estate prices going down. I mean what happened in December, we saw southern California home sales plunge 20% in December to the lowest pace in 11 years. So, when those interest rates got around 5% for a 30-year mortgage, you could see the big reversal. Not only do we see the Fed not raising interest rates in 2019, we could see them aggressively bringing them down, if the economy starts to slow down. They raised them nine times since 2015, they could lower them nine times.


Full podcast: https://goo.gl/6usfQV

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